Signs You Would Benefit From a Solar Pool Heater

September 8, 2016

The idea of taking advantage of solar water heating in The Villages, FL, is growing in popularity. Because of this, it’s no surprise that solar pool heaters are also becoming more widespread. The following are a few signs that you might benefit from having a solar pool heater:

House Diagram

You Want to Extend Your Family’s Pool Season

Individuals who enjoy getting the most out of their backyard swimming pool have a good reason to install a solar water heating system. In many locations, families end up closing their pools for the cooler seasons by September or October. Choosing to install a solar pool heater, however, can allow you to continue enjoying your swimming pool into the fall months. By keeping it warmer for longer, you and your family can get even more enjoyment from your swimming pool.

You Want to Get the Most Out of Your Swimming Pool

In addition to warming your pool as the weather cools down, solar pool heaters can do even more to benefit your family. More often, your household will be able to enjoy your swimming pool at night when the air gets a bit chillier. Also, the heater will raise the pool to a more comfortable temperature earlier in the spring. When your pool is warmer for more of the time, then you and your family can potentially experience more fun, exercise, and backyard family gatherings.

You Want to Pay Less for Utilities

If you already know that you want to heat your pool but are trying to decide between a solar and gas-powered system, then there are a few factors to consider. In many cases, the installation of a solar-powered heater can cost less than that of a gas-powered one. Also, once you have a solar heater, you get to enjoy free solar energy. Gas, on the other hand, is something that you’ll be paying additional costs for every month. Finally, if you live in a climate that gets plenty of sun, then it can make more sense to choose a solar-powered pool heater.